MyCalcs is the ultimate graphing calculator collection management (and show-off) website!
Contributing also helps the community to document calculator software & hardware revisions over time!
Right now, MyCalcs has 825 collector profiles (547 having calcs), for a total of 6116 registered calculators* (263 distinct out of 304 possible).
We have calculator accessories too: 880 registered (109 distinct out of 146 possible).
(* This amounts to ≈ 1640 kg / 3616 lbs total !)
Get a peek of the available collector profiles, with an overview of their collection with various quick stats.
Your fancy profile page features basic info and stats about your collection, as well as the list of models with their info.
From your profile, easily add calculators and their accessories to your collection, with a form helping you fill out all details.
When you need to edit your collection, you can do so quickly by clicking the edit button then update values right in the table!
An interactive timeline of calculators release and discontinuation, highlighting those you already own.
Allows you to find which collections recently got updated, by listing the latest 20 additions.
Allows you to search calculators and accessories, added by collectors, from model, variant, factory, revision, etc.
Whoops, collecting graphing calculators just became competitive 👀 Try to get them all and reach the best scores!
MyCalcs is constantly evolving, feel free to request features!
Here's what we have in mind for now: