

Christopher Mitchell — USA
Cemetech founder
 •  3-year club
This profile has not been created by its owner, it is managed by MyCalcs using data from an existing external source (spreadsheet, CSV, website...)

Collection Calculators Accessories

Quick facts:

  • Count: 163 graphing calculators (35 distinct models), 5 of which are prototypes (4 distinct models) View collection picture
  • Total weight: β‰ˆ 43 kg / 95 lbs.
  • By series: 147x TI (125x Z80, 9x Nspire, 7x 68k, 6x eZ80), 13x Casio (6x Hitachi, 5x SH4, 2x SH3), 1x HP, 2x Zero
  • Oldest calculator: a TI-81 manufactured in May 1992
  • Newest calculator: a TI-Nspire CX II manufactured in November 2018
  • Achievements:
    • Total earned: 28 achievements (2 feats of strength and 1 secret achievement)

Model Factory Datecode HW Rev. Serial number Software version(s) Physical condition Extras Acquisition date Pic Comment
I 0399 A 11602185 Fixed with LCD from green-spraypainted TI-83 40632399 I-03990
I 0598 VS012570 From "lost calculators". Viewscreen, has "CRM8/TI-73" in name area
S 1106 G 2425992546
I 0592 B 507489
I 1192 B 1146821
1.5K OS 1.5K, missing rows and cols, no visible serial number. "UHS" on back
I 0597 R 55505858 LCD transplanted from now-dead 55138691 I-0597R
I 1096 R 48005770
I 0496 R 42905581 Rosemary Calculator
I 1198 T 73204156 TI-83+-style case, two missing columns
I 1294 Q 26039946 1.18 TI-83+ 1.18 innards in TI-82 case
I 0298 H 26115714 repaired two LCD columns. Kate Liddy/304/Locker#242 inside slide case
I 0399 O 40632399 Donated LCD to 11602185 I-0399A
I 0400 N 1532034713 8 bad cols, slow-refreshing LCD
I 0596 I 30611669 Repaired ribbon cable. Was working, nonfunctional as of 2021
I 0696 F 4040107
I 0696 G 4090160 Sporadically powers on, bad LCD columns ([2021] many bad cols). No slide case
I 0797 H 19623058 Working, but subtraction key sticks
I 0798 J 32472202
I 0896 G 6126050 Needs ribbon repair
Omni contest prize, OS 1.010
I 0500 pre-A 1015002342
I 0299 A 4402340 Working, but impact blob in LCD and ~5 missing cols. No slidecase.
S 0303 D 2372002302 "Hyeji Kim" on back. Working, tested Wellerman and Gary vs. David
S 0305 E 2615043815 83+SE-style LCD ?! Flash/ASIC. Was working, broken as of 2021
I 0400 A 1193076710 Gash in center of LCD. No slidecase, many missing cols
S 0402 C 2265064268 Slight acid residue in batt comp. Has full LCD ribbon replacement
I 0500 A 1201001106
S 0502 C 2272020829 Needs ribbon repair
S 0502 C 2275056940 Have battery cover now. 13 replaced ribbon traces
S 0503 D 2392150184 Has a fully-replaced LCD ribbon cable
N 0600 A 120434995 Repaired full-black LCD, now working. 17x ribbon cable. 8/28/2012
N 0600 A 120436727 2012-10-17 Repaired 8x ribbon traces, hot screwdriver rework too.
N 0600 A 121439702 [2021] does not power on - LCD ribbon cable?
I 0600 A 1213027427 Has LCD pressure mark
I 0600 A 1218027668
S 0602 C 2284087967 No LCD or link activity
S 0602 C 2284108818
S 0602 C 2285117537 Marked "Nichole Filkins". Rightmost ribbon cable trace replaced.
N 0604 G 124653339 Doesn't turn on
S 0704 E 2532336673 Fully functional, in great cosmetic condition. From found "lost calculators", has "CRM7 / TI-83+" etched in name space.
S 0607 K 2864087112 Does not turn on
N 0700 A 103092393 Bad LCD cable, missing cols, LCD damage
S 0702 C 2294009830 Mostly working, 2 dead LCD col, acid residue in batt comp
S 0703 D 2414044671 Full LCD replacement
S 0703 D 2414046375 Working but ribbon cable failure. Has silver sticker on back.
I 0899 A 11709549 See left
S 0900 A 2076029607 Needs ribbon repair
S 0901 B 2198017340 LCD repaired. Freezes at 70% through OS transfer
I 0999 A 12444969 Needed ribbon repair: 7->11 repaired traces
N 1099 A 131424476 Red jewel.
N 1199 A 117927849 7 bad ribbon conductors repaired 2013-01-06
N 1201 D 116789545 Working, no slide case
I 1299 A 15617804 See left
Ultimate Calculator 2. Not working as of 2021.
I 1099 A 13630117 From found "lost calculators", has "CRM4 / TI-83+" etched in name space
S 0502 C 2272051319 Bad corrosion/battery "acid" failure. Modified with LCD backing replacement, wire through switch aperture in battery compartment. From "lost calculators"
S 0901 B 2187915259 Preserved in original plastic clamshell, had extensive program list of in-progress projects. From "lost calculators".
S 0402 C 2264155725 Was working, now nonfunctional as of 2021
S 0402 C 2265074628 Nonfunctional
S 0402 C 2265076576 Full LCD replacement completed
S 0403 D 2384014948 Working, red Cemetech 3D printed batt cover
S 0504 E 251115833 Working, used for Maker Faire
S 0504 E 2512080963 Nonfunctional
S 0402 C 2264126394
S 0402 C 2262117605 Ribbon cable repaired, very minor corrosion cleaned from board. Missing batttery contact as of 2021
S 0703 D 2415002686 Working, blue battery cover
S 0104 C 2171009207 Omni contest prize. Has Ult Calc 2 slide case
I 0302 A 140068502 Fuse, LCD, power all OK, no boot
I 0302 A 140080969 No link activity or LCD activity.
I 0302 A 1143026304 No LCD or link activity (not a bad fuse)
S 0303 C 2084065876
S 0503 C 2104082163 LCD flickers in and out -> fixed. This is the overclocked calculator!
S 0602 A 2022022338 Overpowered LCD, but TI-Connect detects -> Fixed by replacing 8 traces
S 0106 F 2234012086 Bought for full price in 2006 (?), has Doors CS 6 "sticker"
S 0205 A 2124067918 Working, but big blob in LCD center, ink around bezel and on LCD.
P 0410 N 2736001383 Bought with a stuck key and "fixed"
P 0908 L 2554008554 Translucent TI-83+SE-style case. Red Cemetech 3D-printed slide cover
K 0210 P 1482053163 Working, designed for blind users
K 1210 1014002148
Dark Teal / "Not for sale"
L 0316 C 1035003821 Gold and black
L 0215 1026000399 First one, given by TI
L 0316 C 1033025438
K 0413 A 1044092602 Solar system slide case
K 0413 A 1044194064 Nonworking, might just be LCD. Blue slidecase
K 0514 H 1164134898
K 1212 1014000533 From TI, signed by Mayim Bialik
S 0206 F 2244066415 ON key didn't work, only link port powered on. Was working, now broken?
S 0305 C 2134042972 Need new LCD.
S 0307 G 2375077285 T3IC sticker on slidecase
S 0405 D 2144017101 Fully functional. Case swapped with old 42972S0305C. Using TI-84 Plus slidecase
S 0507 H 2395025358 Orange Guerilla faceplate.
K 0712 B 1113024801 Appears to have been run over. Guerrila slidecase
S 0806 F 2305061464 Working. Pink ink etched on top back. OMNIMAGA battery cover
P 0908 M 2554013503 Superglued case corner (doesn't meet 100%), faint "<3 Courtney" on cover, "CEMETECH" etched faceplate
I 0195 G 25070002 CBL LCD issues.
I 0694 F 18011851 CBL S/N has "CBL" in it
I 0696 I 44009570 CBL Appears to have LCD issues, also one failing row and column, no slide case or battery cover
I 0897 I 58252570 CBL LCD is fully functional. No slide case.
I 0899 J 82202691 CBL Omni contest prize
I 1296 I 50030646 CBL
S 0202 K 2018010302 Was listed as having 4 bad LCD rows, but functional as of 01/2021
I 0299 K 22208405 Fully-functional LCD!
I 0399 K 23234865
I 0697 B 2431272
N 0700 A 125768395 Ribbon cable failure plus many missing rows. No slide case or batt cover
I 0797 C 3249931 No slide case
I 0799 K 27210461 Looks like both coarse ribbon failure and missing cols/rows
S 0302 K 2025005580 At least half of LCD rows are missing. Has "Powered by Doors CS 5.0.0" / www.Cemetech.tk sticker on battery cover. From "lost calculators". Has "CRM6 / TI-86" in etched name area.
S 0303 F 2151002346 Unknown failure mode; TI-Connect can't find it.
S 0703 F 2195021002 Sporadic nonfunctionality - acts like a stuck key
I 0899 C 18014361 Seems fully-functional.
S 0604 2035014885 Bought as part of $26 set of 4 asst. calcs. Superglue battery compart. Blue 3D printed Cemetech slide cover
S 0706 F 2284000832 Permanently failed LCD, otherwise intact
I 0300 A 115OV03096 Bought on eBay for ~$30
P 0308 C 2057013379 TI-84+ faceplate only, no slide case
P 0308 C 2057017141 TI-Nspire faceplate
TI-Nspire CX MktSample
P 0811 C 2088011015 Signed by Mayim Bialik, from TI
P 0112 D 2115013414
N 1118 AF 3879032228
I 0803 B 1183006324 Idents via TI-Connect, no screen image. Bought for $45 with shipping
I 0597 H 17655013
I 0696 F 4056482
S 0801 B 2188001626 Marked "Rick Ball". LCD liquid at left side. Does not turn on
S 0403 K 2135021907 Flickers, mostly unusable.
I 0499 K 24224158 Middle 1/4 of LCD is nonfunctional
N 0500 A 124043977 Mostly functional; unable to smooth out two rows (now 5)
N 1299 A 108016443 Cosmetically fine, bad LCD rows as noted
From zContest
S 0303 C 2084047470 Fixed: had a blown fuse
S 0702 A 2032010410 Was working, now no power or link
S 0704 D 2206004619 Flickering and hashing repaired by full ribbon replacement 2014-01-22
I 0801 10710016501 Top half of LCD not working
7X311E "Marian" on top edge
a3372333Q10517A Yellowed face
435AQ0XJA277915 Got through Casio Training program
362BW93JA143026 Monochrome LCD. From Shaun?
755AW13MA046436 Broken Purchased broken on eBay, attempted to patch cracked PCB
755AW0XMA3758 Got through Casio Training program
755AW14MA73700 2011-03 Bought for $129 at J&R in March 2011
157 Engineering sample from HP
New Box 2023-09-16
L 1017 J 1105007016 2024-08
L 0315 pre-A 1036000214 2024-08
S 1006 PVT1.1 02505 2024-08
P 0408 L 2965108056 2024-08
P 0508 D 2066004072 2024-08 With TI-84+ keypad. No slidecase
K 0414 H 1154166739 Faceplate(s) 2024-08 Light pink FP
P 0410 B 2048071771 2024-08 With 84+ keypad
P 0610 B 2068024632 2024-08 Has touchpad keypad. Cosmetic damage: "Anthony Tuck" written on back, "230" etched in name field. "Huntsville City School System" / HSV12172902 sticker w/ barcode under keypad. LCD pressure damage in top-right.
L 0416 AB 1042053417 Good 2024-08 "Catch Me if you can" baseball sticker on battery door.
L 0318 AC 1035041459 2024-08
P 0510 N 2749037926 2024-08 "Carson Bowles" on battery cover, "Bowles" inside slidecover.
K 0514 H 1164179855 2024-08 "Peyton Warren" faintly written on back.
A293334 7Q 0212R/H 2024-08 Red Cross blood donor sticker on back, "CMB<3" at top, "Tess M..." on battery cover occluded by Wal-Mart smiley face sticker. No slidecase.
A829770 5Q 10419A Good 2024-08 With slidecase
C838C4C0028 43AA_81 Good 2024-08 Some text rubbed off. "Sophie Higgins" on back of battery cover.
Zero Calculator Proto MktSample
4 2024-12