
Adriwebthe museum curator

Adrien Bertrand β€” France
TI-Planet.org co-founder/admin
🏠  β€’   β€’  8-year club  β€’  Admin

Collection Calculators Accessories

Quick facts:

  • Count: 360 graphing calculators (79 distinct models), 18 of which are prototypes (12 distinct models) View collection picture
  • Total weight: β‰ˆ 97 kg / 214 lbs.
  • By series: 325x TI (222x Z80, 38x Nspire, 36x 68k, 21x eZ80, 7x Other, 1x PET), 17x Casio (7x Hitachi, 5x SH4, 2x SH3, 2x Other, 1x V30MX), 8x HP (4x Saturn, 3x ARM, 1x Other), 3x NumWorks, 4x Zero, 2x Lexibook, 1x Besta
  • Oldest calculator: a TI-81 manufactured in October 1990
  • Newest calculator: a TI-84 Plus CE-T Python Edition manufactured in May 2022
  • Achievements:
    • Total earned: 78 achievements (9 feats of strength and 4 secret achievements)