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161 results

Model Factory Datecode HW Rev. Serial number Software version(s) Physical condition Photo Owner
TI-89 Titanium
TI-89 Titanium
Black (Europe) (2008)
3.10 Fair AnnaV
Fair Oliv!er
New in box Adriweb
TI-89 Titanium
Black (Europe) (2008)
Broken BrandonW
TI-89 Titanium
Black (Europe) (2008)
New asimzb
Good ycardon
TI-89 Titanium
Black (Europe) (2008)
New in box Rémi
TI-89 Titanium Proto
1TR 4069 3.10 Good astrid
PTR 5084 3.10 Fair mr womp womp
TI-89 Titanium
Black (Europe) (2008)
0608 2514029421 cadichon
1105 2214002816 cadichon
? 2TR 5102 OS 3.00 12/18/2003, boot 2.01 build 7 Good mr womp womp
L 1220 R 4541004561 New RedDragon05
M 0420 R 4521003820 3.10 New ProteinFromTheSea
M 0522 R 4551001230 3.10 Good spongus
M 0619 R 4481000865 3.10 Good neomodulo
M 1119 R 4501009689 3.10 New Michael0x18
N 0418 R 3425008736 3.10 Good vklonis
P 1114 2194005258 3.10 Fair boymoderAscetic
TI-89 Titanium
Black (Europe) (2008)
P 0308 H 2485003172 3.10 New Dominique-59
TI-89 Titanium
Black (Europe) (2008)
P 1207 H 2455008343 3.10 Worn Rémi
TI-89 Titanium
Black (Europe) (2008)
P 0408 I 2491001113 3.10 Fair powloczacykijem82
P 0408 I 2491004412 Fair Adriweb
P 0308 J 2481006939 Good ProteinFromTheSea
P 0308 J 2481008682 Good BrightonDutson
P 0308 J 2485006504 3.10 New Pensulo
P 0308 J 2485010124 Broken LogicalJoe
P 0308 J 2485013673 3.10 Good LVintageNerd
P 0408 J 3.10 New iard
TI-89 Titanium
Black (Europe) (2008)
P 0509 J 2625001149 2.09 03/22/2003 Good Only_2_Protos
TI-89 Titanium
Black (Europe) (2008)
P 0509 J 2625006639 Broken Richard M.
P 0510 J 2745003426 Good Adriweb
P 0608 J 2514023661 3.10 New Mwyann
P 0608 J 2514023871 New Mwyann
TI-89 Titanium
Black (Europe) (2008)
P 0608 J 2614022867 Schraf
TI-89 Titanium
P 0709 J Good Ti64CLi++
TI-89 Titanium
Black (Europe) (2008)
P 0808 J 2534000669 3.10 Good jmesmon
TI-89 Titanium
Black (Europe) (2008)
P 1209 J 2697003596 3.10 Good Laurent_B
P 0210 K 2717005402 3.10 Worn LordZeb
TI-89 Titanium
Black (Europe) (2008)
P 0211 K 2836003083 3.10 Good illwieckz
P 0309 K 3.10 New dave1123
P 0309 K 2607002253 Good josheewa
P 0311 K 2849002070 Good Ti64CLi++
TI-89 Titanium
Black (Europe) (2008)
P 0311 K 2849003529 3.10 Manitou
P 0311 K 2849006448 Adriweb
P 0409 K 2615011556 Fair Zeda
P 0508 K 2501008253 3.10 Fair jmesmon
P 0510 K 2741002590 CrunchyNerdy
P 0510 K 2741010128 3.10 Good Tazmania40
P 0608 K 2518002396 3.10 Good JakeSparkleChicken
P 0609 K 2634 009379 Jonimus
TI-89 Titanium
Black (Europe) (2008)
P 0611 K 2877005963 OS ver. 3.10; 07/18/2005 Good Krapulax2232
TI-89 Titanium
Black (Europe) (2008)
P 0611 K 2877007403 AMS 3.10 Good fghsgh
P 0710 K 2766011877 3.10 New TheDemonicGoat
P 0908 K 2548004281 3.10 Fair PPhenolOxidase
P 0909 K 2665003242 3.10 Good klesl
P 0910 K 2786000776 3.10 Good Tajoxjan
P 0910 K 2786002811 3.10 Good LAX18
P 1109 K 2685001551 Good Scrobotasaurus
P 1109 K 2687006219 3.10 Good MollyGodiva
P 0211 L 2835001429 3.10 Good Calculatordream
P 0213 L 2014002452 3.10 Good illwieckz
TI-89 Titanium
Black (Europe) (2008)
P 0213 L 2014010750 3.10 New Laurent_B
P 0312 L 2941000120 3.10 New Tajoxjan
P 0312 L 2941022086 OS ver. 3.10; 07/18/2005 Fair Krapulax2232
P 0411 L 2859034222 3.10 Good Richard M.
P 0412 L 2956003915 Flash OS 3.10 New HobbitJack
P 0412 L 2956005469 Good Dotz0cat
P 0412 L 2956009411 Adriweb
P 0511 L 2868002979 3.10 Good rickh57
P 0413 M 2031001569 Good gwstaten
P 0114 N 2114008999 Fair redgl0w
TI-89 Titanium
Black (Europe) (2008)
P 0115 O 2204005955 3.10 New Rémi
P 0115 O 2204010879 Good iPhoenix
P 0214 O 2124008291 HW 4.00 / OS 3.10 Good Inkling
TI-89 Titanium
Black (Europe) (2008)
P 0214 O 2124013250 Boot 2.02b2 critor
P 0214 O 2124018881 Good MateoConLechuga
P 0314 O 2133004097 3.10 Good Bill_0531
P 0914 O 2184001392 3.10 New in box Richard M.
TI-89 Titanium
Black (Europe) (2008)
P 0315 P 22150I6947 New L.LUP125
P 0415 P 2225000563 3.10, 07/18/2005 Fair Malachite
P 0615 P 2235002036 OS 3.10 / BIOS 2.02 Good CVSoft
P 0316 R 2295004042 3.10 Good NoahK
P 0416 R 2305005677 Worn Ronan_Calculators
P 0517 R 2375003522 3.10 Good oxiti8
P 0716 R 2325003307 3.10 Poor astrid
P 0716 R 2325003519 3.10 Good Hooloovoo
P 0716 R 2325005107 Boot 2.02 Build 2, OS 3.10 Broken clevor
P 0915 R 2255004177 3.10 Fair saladin
P 1016 R 2345005442 3.10 New powloczacykijem82
S 0604 2035014885 KermMartian
S 0704 A 2016005120 Good zdimension
S 0205 B 2111050834 3.01 10/07/2004 Good Only_2_Protos
S 0205 B 2114007349 3.01 Fair JSRPhones
S 0205 B 2114026847 3.01 Good Laurent_B
S 0305 B 2121005240 Poor patrickdavidson
S 0305 B 2121019455 Good Manitou
S 0305 B 2121023236 3.01 Fair Irish
S 0305 B 2121100687 3.10 New Laurent_B
S 0305 B 2121103244 3.01 Good Dubs
S 0305 B 2121113459 3.10 New illwieckz
S 0305 B 2124001701 3.01 Good david49
TI-89 Titanium
S 0405 B 2131017751 OS 3.10 Fair Hamza.S
S 0405 B 2131031355 Broken saladin
S 0505 B 2144025534 3.10 Good Lamine !
S 0505 B 2144038225 Boot 2.01b24 critor
S 0605 B 2154024931 3.10 Good jmesmon
S 0705 B 2165008812 Good zdimension
S 0805 C 2175000749 Good Only_2_Protos
S 0905 D 2184004685 3.10 (upgraded from 3.01) Poor saladin
S 1005 E 2194002660 3.01 Dominique-59
S 1005 E 2194042560 3.01 Fair commandblockguy
TI-89 Titanium
S 0206 F 2235022864 Good Adriweb
S 0306 F 2245012068 3.10 Good ERR_NAME_INVALID
S 0306 F 2245020874 Good astrid
S 0406 F 2255014475 3.10 Good MineGrapher
S 0406 F 2255018555 Boot 2.02 build 2 / OS 3.10 Good calc84maniac
S 0506 F 2266018973 3.10 Good Rémi
S 0506 F 2266025940 3.10 Good tr1p1ea
S 0606 F 2276016606 3.10 Good Neyghene
S 0606 F 2276016941 3.10 Fair Radian_SQ1NXN
S 0706 F 2284000832 KermMartian
S 0706 F 2284002194 3.10 Fair saladin
S 0706 F 2286006504 3.10 Fair mr womp womp
S 0806 F 2294001172 Fair Insert Coin
S 1105 F Lionel Debroux
S 1105 F 2204008881 3.10 Good guywithathing
S 0207 G 2354014442 orokro
S 0307 G 2364009592 OS 3.10 / HW 4.00 Good Adriweb
S 0307 G 2384100466 Fair Adriweb
S 0407 H 2374011063 jimbauwens
TI-89 Titanium
S 0407 H 2374016384 2.02b2 / 3.10 New LogicalJoe
TI-89 Titanium
S 0407 H 23740166789 3.10 Fair Privacy_Dragon
S 0407 H 2376004249 OS: 3.10 Good Mysterione
S 0507 H 238600535 Broken iPhoenix
S 0507 H 2386018236 3.10 Good Laurent_B
S 0607 H 2394000574 tr1p1ea
S 0607 H 2397011157 DaniNyaaa
S 0607 H 2397015804 OS 3.10 Fair CVSoft
S 0707 H 2408009526 Good Adriweb
TI-89 Titanium
Black (Europe) (2008)
S 1007 H 2438004872 Good Gal
TI-89 Titanium
S 0404 pre-A 2015006224 3.00 Good mr womp womp
S 0504 pre-A 2025008754 2.01b24 / 3.00 New LogicalJoe